Destiny 2 has no shortage in content that can be examined and enjoy. Part of this is a multi-stage process. Exotic weapons are a special adventure on its search and collection. After receiving, many have a catalyst that will improve the characteristics of the weapon. But finding and completing work on the catalyst is not at all obvious. Fortunately, we have this convenient guide that will help the guards find a catalyst for their favorite kinetic exotic.
- where to find every exotic kinetic weapon Catalyst
- Cerberie+1
- Lumin
- The Forerunner
- Arbalelet
- Sweet Business
- assault
- wing of vigilance
- Road King
- Multifunctional MIDA tool
- Crimson
- Jade Rabbit
- Huckleberry
- mode haste
- ace peak
- The burden of Isanagi
- The flash is perfect
- Demon-Walking
- Bastion
- Wizerhard
- Hokmun
- No time to explain
- The fairy tale of the dead man
- Cryodesia 77k
- chosen by a traveler
- Scepter Eiger
- Osteo Striga
where to find every exotic kinetic weapon Catalyst
Sweet Business
The catalyst effect *: serious business-reduces trembling when shooting from a sweet deed at full speed. Where to find the catalyst : completion of actions in the playlist. How to go through a catalyst : commit 250 multiple murders
The catalyst effect *: increases controllability by +40 and a range of +18. Where to find a catalyst : Murders in PVE How to go through a catalyst : Complete 500 murders using a storm and 500 murders with a drin, using both weapons.
wing of vigilance
The catalyst effect *: Full Auto Trigger System-makes fire from the weapon fully automatic when holding a pressed fire button. Where to find a catalyst : kills or wins in a crash How to go through a catalyst : win 250 guards in the crucible and earn 5 medals Blood for Blood.
Road King
The catalyst effect *: infestation-increases assistance in aiming and direction of return. Updates health when activating Vermin. Where to find a catalyst : murders or completion in Strikes and NightFalls How to go through a catalyst : to commit 1000 killings of a rat king with a combat group.
Multifunctional MIDA tool
The catalyst effect *: No distracting factors-aiming from this weapon during a short period reduces trembling. Where to find a catalyst : the rank of legendary glory How to go through a catalyst : commit 200 accurate killings.
catalyst effect *: increases the range by +18
Where to find a catalyst : PVE killer
How to go through a catalyst : Do 500 accurate killings.
Jade Rabbit
Catalyst effect *: increases stability by +27. Where to find a catalyst : kills or wins in a crash How to go through a catalyst : win 250 guards in the crucible.
Catalyst effect *: Bull Rider-killings from this weapon now reboot the entire store. Where to find the catalyst : completion of actions in the playlist. How to get a catalyst : win 500 enemies
mode haste
The catalyst effect *: suRos ascentance-improves the direction of return and increases the chance to activate the Suros. Where to find a catalyst : kills or wins in a crash How to go through a catalyst : win 300 guards in the crucible.
Catalyst effect *: Focused Fire-hold reloading to switch to a denser and closer fire. Where to find a catalyst : Murders in PVE How to get a catalyst : win 500 enemies
ace peak
The catalyst effect *: Funeral Pyre-Firefly is more damaged while the Memento Mori is active. Where to find a catalyst : murders or completion in Strikes and NightFalls How to get a catalyst : win 500 enemies
The burden of Isanagi
The catalyst effect *: Peerless Edge-increases the Bonus to the damage from HoneD Edge, when all four bullets are spent. Where to find the catalyst : completion of actions in the playlist. How to get a catalyst : win 500 enemies
The flash is perfect
Catalyst effect *: a carrier of the disease-inflicts additional damage to Nanits Where to find the catalyst : completion of actions in the playlist. How to go through a catalyst : apply 500 accurate final strokes
Catalyst effect *: Infinite curse-extends the action of the perk Chain of curses. Where to find the catalyst : completion of actions in the playlist. How to get a catalyst : win 700 enemies
The catalyst effect *: Electric STYX-increases the maximum number of stacks of the dynamic charge. Where to find a catalyst : no data How to get a catalyst : win 400 enemies
Catalyst Effect *: Resonant Virtue: Get two beltes for the last blow instead of one. Where to find a catalyst : Any activity How to go through a catalyst : Heal 250 allies using NOble Rounds.
The catalyst effect *: silent anxiety-the maximum convenience and storage of this weapon automatically reloads it over a short period of time. Where to find a catalyst : mission of Banshi-44 How to get a catalyst : win 400 enemies
Catalyst Effect *: Hunter’s Trance-increases the size of the store to nine. It also increases handling, reloading speed and range, depending on the number of Paracausal Charge stacks. Where to find the catalyst : completion of actions in the playlist. How to get a catalyst : win 700 enemies
No time to explain
The catalyst effect *: Blast from the Side-shells from the temporary portal shoot more often. Where to find a catalyst : EXO Stranger mission (beyond the line of light) How to get a catalyst : win 700 enemies
The fairy tale of the dead man
Catalyst Effect *: Dark-Forged Trigger-the rate of fire from the hip is increased and fines for the accuracy of the thigh were removed. Where to find the catalyst : completion of actions in the playlist. How to get a catalyst : win 800 enemies
Cryodesia 77k
Catalyst effect *: Cold Efficency-breaking the frozen target replenishes the store of these weapons from reserves. Where to find a catalyst : Banshee-44 mission (behind the line of light) How to get a catalyst : win 700 enemies
chosen by a traveler
Catalyst effect *: * Osmos-the use of your ability of a grenade changes the type of damage of this weapon in accordance with your subclass until you remove it. * The full automatic system of the trigger-holding the pressed trigger, you will shoot from this weapon in fully automatic mode. Where to find a catalyst : completion of the player activity (Shadowkeep) How to get a catalyst : win 700 enemies
Scepter Eiger
Catalyst Effect *: Will Give Form-Hold the reboot to deplete supermarcies, overwhelming and strengthening the beam with additional damage and the ability to slow down and freeze targets. It can only be activated with complete superenergy. Where to find a catalyst : completion of the playlist's activity (Beond Light) How to go through a catalyst : defeat 1000 enemies. As an alternative, victory over enemies with accurate blows increases progress, and the destruction of the destroyed walls in the split world gives significant progress.
The Forerunner
The catalyst Effect *: The Rock-within a few seconds after the final blow, you can use part of your ammunition reserves, turning the next grenade into a fragmentation. Where to find a catalyst : reach the 16th rank with ZUR How to get a catalyst : win 700 enemies
The catalyst Effect *: Genesis-Destruction of the battalion shield with these weapons fills its store from reserves. Energy weapons restores ammunition when it gets if the type of damage corresponds to the fighter shield. Where to find the catalyst : completion of actions in the playlist. How to get a catalyst : win 500 enemies
Osteo Striga
The catalyst effect *: adds +30 to the reload speed and +20 to stability. Where to find a catalyst : reach the 10th level with an osteo strigg. How to go through a catalyst : Change the OSTEO Striga form with an inserted catalyst
To find out more about Destiny 2, check out the article What is the CENTIPEDE 2 error code? In professional game guides.
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