DOOM ETERNAL received an update earlier this week which introduced a Mancubus on Halloween theme as part of the Goules, Gourdes and Galleons event . However, the fans of the game noticed a particular change that Not even mentioned in the DLC version notes. This new patch, for any reason, also reset its main menu to what it was when the game was launched for the first time in March 2020. There was no explanation of Bethesda on the reason why the theme had been modified, but the Eternal Doom fans quickly speculated that the reason for the exchange of music could be widely attributed to the relatively complicated relationship of the studio with The composer Mick Gordon. Although the Executive Producer of DOOM Eternal, Marty Stratton, said Gordon for his wonderful composer talent, he added that it was quite difficult to work with the latter. Create an unsustainable model of uncertainty and project risk for everyone in the studio. Production-related issues have forced the official gam