Ni antic has not shown 2021 generously in the past year when it came to the publication of new Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Because despite a significantly higher number of events, the set of new MON declined significantly compared to the previous year. But at least we can expect a new Pokémon with a new Pokémon at least for the upcoming Valentine's Day Event in 2022, the developers have always introduced at least one new Pokémon to the day of the loving day in recent years. But which MON can we look forward to this year? The Detainees of Poke miners have found a possible answer thereto, whatever poses new questions.
Different or not?
Because the Detainees have discovered in the code of Pokémon Go various innovations, including challenges for the moon ne year event and details of the Community Day with See mops and Bissau also the potential new Valentines Pokémon, more precisely, whose forms. The data of the current Pogo build is the speech of three new forms: Ruby Cream, Swirl Ruby and Delays Normal .
Ruby Cream and Swirl Ruby are belonging to the Pokémon Pusan available in Pokémon Go yet. Pusan is a MON of type fairy, which occurs for the first time in Pokémon Sword & Shield and comes from the Gala region. It is the further development of Hokum.
The fact that the forms Ruby Cream and Swirl Ruby appeared in the Pokémon Go files, thus delivers a clear indication that Pusan could be the focus of valentine events 2022. However, the whole thing is a sticking point: because Pusan appears in Pokémon Sword & Shield in nine different flavors and seven different decorations, with sugar items and the daytime in the development of Hokum determine the final appearance of Pusan. That means: There are 63 possible variants this cream piece (sorry that had to be).
So far, however, only the speech of two flavors, namely said Ruby Cream (German Ruby Creme) and Swirl Ruby (DT. Ruby Mix). Therefore, fans rightly face Reddit the question of how Ni antic wants to implement the different forms of Pusan in Pokémon Go. The following possibilities would be conceivable:
- Pusan comes for Valentine's Day in the variants Ruby Cream and Swirl Ruby, but Ni antic is limited to one decoration type per flavor. This makes it only two versions of Pusan I M game (exclusive Shiny).
- Ni antic publishes Pusan in the flavors Ruby Cream and Swirl Ruby, which then work like scales and their decoration randomly (or maybe daily-time-dependent) change.
- Pusan appears as Ruby Cream and Swirl Ruby, with players decoration as in Pokémon Sword & Shield with items, the daytime of developing Hokum and other mechanics.
- Ni antic publishes All 63 versions of Pusan on a beat and has only not implemented the corresponding data in the current build of the game.
We personally hold the third variant most likely. Ni antic would thus limit itself to two flavors, but still remain true to the template of Pusan in Pokémon Sword & Shield. What do you think? And what do you think when Pusan is the focus of valentine events 2022? Write us your opinion in the comments!
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